Monday, 17 December 2012

Homeland Season 2 Finale "The Choice"

DISCLAIMER: SPOILER ALERT. If you haven't watched the season 2 finale of Homeland, don't read the post as it contains spoilers!


What an episode! It was enough to bring be back from my 8 month long hibernation on my blog!

My head is still spinning from watching the 65-minute finale of Homeland. Running 25 minutes shorter than the season 1 finale this episode has a lot more variation of pace and emotions. Let's quickly dissect what it was all about! 

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Blogging in Sydney

Hello my loyal and lovely readers (all four of you!),

When I started this blog just over a year ago, the idea was to vent my personal frustrations and make cynical observations. But as things go around (usually always opposite to your plans), soon afterwards I got a job where I had to churn out write-ups three times a week, and I started freelancing a lot more regularly. Quickly and predictably enough, this blog went from a personal nook with sound-proof walls to an online catalog of my writings.

But no more!